This is a picture of a male Cecropia moth. Although female Cecropias are more noticably larger than males, males have larger feathery antennae than females. Males use these to catch the scent of a female.
Cecropia moths are part of the silk moth family. None of the silk moths eat as adults because they don't have mouth parts. Their sole purpose as adults is to mate, lay eggs (only females, of course!), and die. They only live for about two weeks.
Both butterflies and moths smell with their antennae and taste with their feet. These help them find food as well as host plants on which they lay their eggs. A host plant is a specific plant that certain species of butterfly's and moth's larvae (caterpillars) can eat. --LKR
This is so cute! The moth looks like it's waving!
I think he is! :0D
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